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American School of Isfahan, Class of 1978

Isfahan, Florida

Reunion Date: July 26th, 2018
Website: Visit our website


ROSEN HOTEL, 7600 International Drive
ORLANDO, FL the hotel has great security and is gated.

Reservations are to be booked on an individual basis by calling 1-800-825-7600. Please refer to the American School of Isfahan or Booking ID #44022 when making reservations to receive your special rate. Book early so that you are in the Block of Rooms.

The rooms are $75.00 per night PLUS TAX
You have till June 26th to hold it at that price.
They will be assign in the group Block on a First Come First Serve! The rate is good for the duration of your stay, as long as it is booked under the American School of Isfahan

There's a liquor store right across the street, being at this location on International Drive you are not far from anything. There is a Trolley that goes up and down so really no need for a car. Those that are flying in please let us know so that we can arrange transportation.

There is no resort fee, free WiFi, and free parking. The rooms have a Coffee Maker, microwave and refrigerator, the breakfast buffet is being offered at a ospecial price of $8.00. Personal Coolers and smoking ar permitted at the ADULT pool, which is where our rooms are. No glass by the pool. Smoking is permitted anywhere outside.
All the rooms have 2 double beds, so if you are going solo, you may want to think about having a roommate.
Thursday July 26th - get re-acquainted at the hotel, visit, look at memorabilia in the Meeting Room.
Friday, July 27th - All day Pool Party/Bar-B-Que at Ngaire Faulk's house - $50.00 to cover food and softdrinks, ice, etc. BYOB (adult beverages)
Saturday, July 28th - Poolside by day, Party at night at Ali Baba's House of Kabob's (owned by Kourosh and Mahasti Rouhi from Tehran) Belly Dancers and entertainment included. Cost is $75 per person for the dinner.
THIS YEAR WE DECIDED ASI ALUMNI PARENT(S) AND ASI TEACHERS & Faculty will be our Guests for our Friday and Saturday Night Dinners❣️
Bring a parent or two with you if you can. Let's enjoy them while we have them♥️

If you have any questions about the BBQ PLEASE CONTACT Ngaire Faulk ‭+1 (334) 379-3116‬

Any question about Saturday night Donna McCarthy is your woman! ‭+1 (954) 696-8880‬

Hotels and general information please email
Or call Tracey Fulton at 540-255-6953

Reunion Contacts

Tracey See
(540) 2556953

Donna McCarthy
(954) 6968880

Ngaire Faulk
(334) 3793116